Graduation Requirements

Pathway to a successful college and career

Graduation Requirements

To meet diploma requirements, students must earn specific course credits with satisfactorily passing scores established by the St. Paul Preparatory School grading scale.

Students enrolled in the school will complete courses totaling a minimum of 48 semester credits. St. Paul Preparatory School’s graduation requirements are designed to meet American accreditation standards and entry requirements for a wide range of colleges and universities. When enrolling, students will choose courses to pursue during their high school career, grades 9-12.

With the rapidly changing market for jobs and the demands of the world economy, as well as the liberation of choice for high school students to take ownership of their education, high standards for graduation have become more necessary than ever. Upon graduating from St. Paul Preparatory School, students may choose a college career in the arts, education, the world of business, or the world of technology and science. Having gained a strong start with us, the choice will be theirs to make.

Receiving a diploma from St. Paul Preparatory School is evidence of successfully completing the basic education required for college entry. Students that complete and receive the diploma have a broad range of skills and experiences that will be applicable throughout their lives and careers. The requirements are as follows:

  • English

    8 semester credits (All 8 semester credits must be taken at SPP)

  • Math

    6 semester credits (Must include Algebra II or equivalent)

  • Social Studies

    8 semester credits (6 semester credits must be taken at SPP)

  • Science

    6 semester credits (Must include Biology or equivalent)

  • Physical Education

    2 semester credits

  • Health

    1 semester credit

  • Arts

    2 semester credits

  • Technology

    1 semester credit

  • Foreign Language

    6 semester credits (4 must be in the same language)

  • Elective

    8 semester credits (Any credits in the previous categories that exceed the requirements count as elective credits) Speech and Creative Writing are required.

The following table outlines the expected courses a student would take in each of the four core subjects (English, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Science) as well as additional electives. Courses that are required to be taken through St. Paul Preparatory School are bold.

Subject 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade
English General English 9 General English 10 W Literature Senior Literature
Social Studies Western Government / Geography World History Mordern History Economics /
State History
Math Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Pre-Calculus
Science Physical Science Biology Chemistry Physics
Elective 1 Health / Speech Visual Art Physical Education Graphic Design/
Creative Writing
Elective 2 Chinese I Chinese II Chinese III Chinese IV